Point of Care Packages


The integrated system solution for cardiology diagnostics in Clinics/Pharmacies.

Cardioconsolle is a highly customizable commercial configuration, the perfect answer for clinics and pharmacies thanks to the integration with resting ECG, Holter ECG and Holter ABPM.

The solution includes the acquisition units, a notebook with pre-installed software, a dedicated trolley, and a carry case for the devices. Some electrodes are included for the first applications.

With CardioConsolle you can access the reporting platform to download the digitally signed reports.

Full Support Package

CardioConsolle integrates with ECG, Holter ECG and Holter ABPM.

The solution includes the devices, a notebook with pre-installed software (GDPR compliant), dedicated trolleycarry case for the devices, and a wide range of technical support services as well as a Full Risk Programme.

Some electrodes are also included for the first applications.

With CardioConsolle you can send digital exams to externals reporting platforms and access the platform to download the digitally signed reports.

Our solutions

CardioConsolle Silver

  • Cardioconsole SilverECG
  • Cardioconsole SilverHOLTER
  • Cardioconsole SilverABPM
  • Cardioconsole SilverHOLTERPLUS

CardioConsolle Gold

  • Cardioconsole GoldECG+HOLTER
  • Cardioconsole GoldECG+ABPM
  • Cardioconsole GoldHOLTER+ABPM
  • Cardioconsole GoldECG+HOLTERPLUS
  • Cardioconsole GoldABPM+HOLTERPLUS

CardioConsolle Platinum

  • Cardioconsole Platinum ECG+ABPM+HOLTER
  • Cardioconsole Platinum ECG+ABPM+HOLTERPLUS

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Experience precision and reliability like never before. Join the forefront of cardiac health innovation.

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