Data Management
Our innovative, state of the art web platform for ECG exams reporting and storage.
ECGWebApp is an innovative, state of the art web platform for ECG reporting and storage.
Secure GDPR compliant user access through any web browser without any local pc installation or configuration requirements. ECGWebApp accepts 12 Leads & Holter ECGs from Cardioline and 3rd Party devices and stores these exams in the database in SCP Format and the Stress ECG in pdf format.
Subject to user authentication and permissions, the User can view, print, download or Report exams or perform other Administration System set up including multi-site and User configurations and other workflow options.
ECG Webapp is a Highly flexible and scalable powerful tool suitable for large Web infrastructures and equally as comfortable in local Intranet Networks.
ECGWebApp is suitably adaptable for multiple varied scenarios, from complex e-health networks, a hospital network or in a single physician’s office.
Web technology supports optimal workflow and access management, without compromise whilst cost effective.
ECGWebApp can be easily integrated within the PACS, EMR and HIS environments to manage end to end data workflow, reducing time and errors to maximize patient care.

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Experience precision and reliability like never before. Join the forefront of cardiac health innovation.
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